Learn advanced English writing skills through a three-part lecture series that focuses on developing effective thinking patterns, mastering practical writing techniques, and crafting compelling comparative essays. Explore common pitfalls in academic writing, learn to make clear argumentative statements, and develop a strong academic writing style suitable for beginners. Master the fundamentals of scholarly writing while building confidence in expressing ideas clearly and systematically in English through comprehensive guidance from Beijing University of Chemical Technology experts.
- 第一场:《培养有效思维 下笔如有神》与《实用英语写作技巧》
- 第二场:《走出常见误区,写好比较类文章》与《拒绝骑墙表述,紧扣论点旗帜鲜明论证》
- 第三场:学术论文的语言风格——助力学术小白