Learn the theory and clinical applications of Wu Yun Liu Qi (Five Movements and Six Qi) in Traditional Chinese Medicine through a comprehensive course divided into eight units. Begin with fundamental connections between Wu Yun Liu Qi and basic TCM theories, then progress through quick-start guides to standard patterns and essential knowledge. Explore various schools of thought on Yun Qi theory and examine the relationship between the Six Meridians in the Treatise on Cold Damage and Qi transformation theory in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic. Master the clinical applications of celestial, movement, and qi transformation prescriptions, and discover how to diagnose and treat unusual symptoms using qi transformation thinking. Conclude with studying the relationship between Wu Yun Liu Qi and epidemic prevention and treatment, including practical case studies and examination of appropriate dosing in Chinese medicine prescriptions.
- 第一单元 五运六气与中医基本理论
- 1.五运六气与中医基本理论(一)
- 2.五运六气与中医基本理论(二)
- 第二单元 五运六气常位格局快速入门
- 3.五运六气常位格局快速入门
- 第三单元 五运六气基础知识
- 4.五运六气基础知识(一)
- 5.五运六气基础知识(二)
- 6.五运六气基础知识(三)
- 7.五运六气基础知识(四)
- 8.五运六气基础知识(五)
- 9.五运六气基础知识(六)
- 第四单元 运气各家学说
- 10.运气各家学说(一)
- 11.运气各家学说(二)
- 12.运气各家学说(三)
- 13.运气各家学说(四)
- 第五单元 《伤寒论》三阴三阳与《黄帝内经》气化理论
- 14.《伤寒论》三阴三阳与《黄帝内经》气化理论(一)
- 15.《伤寒论》三阴三阳与《黄帝内经》气化理论(二)
- 16.《伤寒论》三阴三阳与《黄帝内经》气化理论(三)
- 17.《伤寒论》三阴三阳与《黄帝内经》气化理论(四)
- 第六单元 司天方、运气方与气化方的临床应用与思路探析
- 18.司天方、运气方与气化方的临床应用与思路探析
- 第七单元 气化思维辨治“怪症”举隅
- 19.气化思维辨治“怪症”举隅(一)
- 20.气化思维辨治“怪症”举隅(二)
- 21.论中医方药之小大合宜
- 第八单元 五运六气与疫病防治
- 22.五运六气与疫病防治
- 期末考试
Taught by
Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine