Learn sectional anatomy through comprehensive coverage of brain vasculature, cranial structures, maxillofacial regions, neck, thorax, abdomen, pelvis, spine, and joints. Master anatomical structures through cross-sectional, coronal, and sagittal views, with special focus on vascular systems, organ segments, and pathological manifestations in CT and MRI imaging. Explore detailed anatomical relationships in various body regions including cerebral vessels, basal ganglia, brain gyri, pituitary region, mediastinum, heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, pelvic organs, and musculoskeletal system. Gain practical diagnostic skills in interpreting imaging findings of various pathological conditions, including hepatocellular carcinoma, prostatic diseases, and knee injuries through MRI analysis.
- 绪论和脑血管
- 绪论
- 脑血管总论
- 颈内动脉系
- 椎-基底动脉系
- 脑静脉
- 颅脑
- 脑池
- 基底核区横断层解剖
- 基底核区冠状断层解剖
- 大脑沟回的横断层解剖
- 大脑沟回的冠状断层解剖
- 颅脑矢状断层解剖
- 蝶鞍区病变
- 颌面和颈部
- 颌面部筋膜间隙
- 颌面部断层解剖
- 颈部断层解剖
- 喉区断层解剖
- 胸部
- 上纵隔
- 心和心包
- 肺内管道和肺段
- 右肺门断层解剖
- 左肺门断层解剖
- 纵隔淋巴结
- 肺部疾病基本征象-空洞和空腔
- 腹部
- 肝内管道1-Glisson系统
- 肝内管道2-肝静脉系统
- 肝段横断层解剖
- 肝段冠状和矢状断层解剖
- 腹部连续横断层解剖
- 腹膜与腹膜腔
- 胰及周围间隙
- 肝细胞癌的CT和MRI
- 盆部
- 盆壁
- 男性盆部与会阴
- 前列腺带区解剖
- 女性盆部与会阴
- 前列腺病变MRI诊断
- 脊柱和四肢
- 椎间盘
- 脊柱区颈段
- 脊柱区腰段
- 肩关节
- 肘、腕关节
- 髋关节
- 膝关节
- 踝关节
- 膝关节损伤的MRI表现
- 期末考试
Taught by
Meng Haiwei, Liu Shuwei, Feng Lei, LIN XIANGTAO, Tommy, , , Yu Dexin, and