What you'll learn:
- #1 BEST and MOST COMPREHENSIVE productivity and personal development course on Udemy
- SIMPLE METHODS --> LIFE-CHANGING RESULTS to turn you into a top-1% performer!
- Work much smarter by using science-based and industry-proven methods that are easy to apply
- Improve focus, time management, motivation, discipline, and prioritization
- The information in this course is either science-based or based on my 20 years of industry experience - not theoretical
- Improve your long-term and short-term motivation
- Select the most effective tasks to work on and get rid of things that don't move you forward
- Eliminate interruptions
- Change your work area for an immediate productivity boost
- The benefits of this course will be lasting for the rest of your life!
- Complete personal transformation to become a top-1% performer!
- Use software and apps to be more productive
- WORLD-CLASS student support: I answer 99% of student questions within 24 hours
- PERSONALIZED HELP from the instructor: Join OFFICE HOURS Zoom call with the instructor and students to ask questions directly
See easy adjustments you can make to become a top-1% performer while maintaining work-life-balance and finding fulfillment.
I've been teaching productivity for 10+ years, and over that time Ifound many simple things that made a tremendous impact.
Plus, over the years I have learned to simplify even the complex productivity strategies.
As a result, the strategies in this course will be very practical and immediately applicable to your work and life, creating change quickly.
As I incorporated the productivity methods in this course into my own life, Idiscovered simple ways to add them without disrupting my current habits or schedule, and I'll show you how to do it too.
Personal development skills like mindfulness
Improve your focus and concentration
Goal setting
Increase motivation
Productivity fundamentals like time management
Eliminate interruptions
Healthy, growth mindsets
Boosting your efficiency
Mobile apps and software tools to boost your focus and productivity
Organizing your work environment
Become more disciplined
Email productivity
Realize your life purpose to direct your work in the most optimal direction
Use the pursuit of your life purpose to get you as motivated as possible and boost your long-term intrinsic motivation
This is a one-of-a-kind productivity course. It will change the way you work to become more efficient and productive.
You'll use the productivity and personal development skills in this course for the rest of your life. As you practice these skills, you'll become better at using them, and you'll watch in awe as your career or business will be positively transformed.
The skills learned here will help you in every facet of your everyday life!
Mindfulness is a tremendous personal development skill because through mindfulness, you'll build a stronger relationship with yourself and develop a richer inner life. Understanding your deeper needs will give you the steering with your life.
Once you'll understand where to take your life, you'll unlock incredible and long-term motivation. It will all be aided by goal-setting to help you set a clear target towards which to channel your efforts.
Once you know your life's purpose and direction, you'll have the drive to get there as fast as possible. This is where your quality of execution will become important.
This course will show you how to use time management to get more organized, and plan your days and weeks to only focus on the highest-priority projects.
Since there are so many productivity skills in this course, by combining them, you'll grow your productivity exponentially, and accomplish more and more over time!
With personal development, you'll get rid of bad habits that hold you back, with mindfulness you'll get a direction for your life, and with the many productivity skills in this courses, you'll increase your daily output by leaps in bounds!
You will learn how to be productive in:
Your daily work
Your weekly scheduling
Most importantly, you will learn to choose the right projects to work on in order to take your life in its best and most optimal direction
In the course, Icover a few productivity apps which might ask you for your email address, and some productivity products which are not free.
I DONOT collect any revenue or your emails for myself. Ido not benefit from promoting those productivity products/apps. The only reason Irecommend them in the course is that I think they will help you achieve the goals of the course.
I've been an entrepreneur for 20 years, have coached 1,000+ entrepreneurs in person, taught 800,000+ students, impacted millions of entrepreneurs worldwide creating 6 and 7-figure businesses in the process, and Iwould love to help you.
Lots of extra freebies, downloadable worksheets, and exercises to make the course more interactive and valuable
Personal invitation to my Facebook community after you complete the course
Be entered to get chosen for my student of the month status and have your business featured
If you have questions, Iam here to help!Ianswer 99% of student questions within 24 hours. Many students tell me that other instructors don't respond. Well, I do because:
1) I care about my students.
2) I feel a responsibility to make sure that students get their money's worth from the course.
This productivity course comes with an unconditional, Udemy-backed, 30-day money-back guarantee. This is not just a guarantee, it's my personal promise to you that I will go out of my way to help you boost your productivity just like I'vedone for thousands of my other students.
Invest in your future. Enroll now and become a productivity star.