What you'll learn:
- Learn From A Top Rated Instructor Who Has Been Teaching On Udemy Since 2013 and Taught Over 100,000 Students!
- Template Download: Download The Model At The End Of The Course
- Create a Financial Model From Start To Finish
- Formulas Used
- Properly Framing Assumptions
- Establishing a Forecasted Income Statement
- Establishing a Forecasted Balance Sheet
- Establishing a Forecasted Statement of Cash Flow
- Forecast Your Inventory Needs
- Summary Report Creation With Highlights From The Model
- Pitfall Avoidance - What Not To Do
- How to Properly Structure a Financial Model
- How to Tie Out Your Model
- Create Realistic Financial Projections
- Create Best/Worst Case Scenario Analysis
Are You An Entrepreneur or SmallBusiness Owner?
Do You Want To Build a Financial Budget But Don't Know Where To Start?
Do You Want To Impress Potential Investors From The Start With YourBusiness Model?
Do You Want To Set Realistic Expectations Financially For YourBusiness?
Do You Want To Get A Head Start With My InvestorQuality Financial Model Template?
If YouAnswered "Yes" To Any Of The Above, LookNo Further. This IsThe Course For You!
*** Updated with new content!***
Enroll today and join the 100,000+successful students Ihave taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor!
Three reasons to TAKETHISCOURSEright now:
You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads
You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly!
What you will learn is being taught by a professional in the industry who knows the proper way to construct a financial model. Using industry best practices, you will have a professional grade financial model by the end of this course.
Bonus reason:Udemy has a 30 day 100% no questions asked money back guarantee!
Recent Reviews:
Robert M says"Financial modeling made simple. Being a CFO I've built my fair share of financials models as well, but I can say I never quite felt comfortable with them. They seemed too big, too cumbersome, and it just seemed like there should be a better way. Chris definitely knows what he is doing and couldn't be a better instructor. Finally I feel empowered to build a solid financial model, in less time, and with much better quality.
About The Course - WhatYou and I Learn Together
As an entrepreneur, you will have many uses for a budget/financial model. If you are looking for investors, one of the first things someone will ask for is your projections. As well for your own peace of mind, don't you want to be able to forecast forward and see how the business will perform given a set of assumptions? All of this can be accomplished with a solid financial model. Learn how to use Microsoft Excel to build your very own forecast / budget!
Let me teach you how to wow investors or impress your bosswith a financial model / budgetthat stand out above everyone else.
By the end of this course, you will have a financial modelthat is detailed, complete, rock solid and follows ALLof the best business practices for financial modeling!
Ihave also included a copy of my ebook "Fund Your Startup by ChrisBenjamin" which you will find as a download in the last lecture. Learn your options for funding, where to find investors, how to wow them, and lastly the must do steps to successful funding!
What Specifically You and IWill Do In This Course:
This course will be taught primarily by following along in Excel as we build a financial model for a fictional company. We will start with a completely blank Excel workbook, and by the end of the course have a fully functioning financial model.
Students are encouraged to take the course twice. The first time, just follow along, understand not only the formulas, but also the "why" of what we are doing. See the financial model grow and become "alive" as we work through the various tabs. The second time, follow along and work on your own personal financial model.
The time of the course in video content is 5.5 hours, although expect to spend 10 - 20 hours taking this course. In that time we will build a basic financial model which is fully functioning. The additional time is so you can work on your own financial model in between the lectures.
The course is structured in a very step by step methodology. As we work through each section, we'll progress towards the final financial model.
I encourage all entrepreneurs and financially minded people alike to take the course.
Iwill help you!
At any point during the course if you are confused or need clarification, send me a message!I'm here to help YOUthe student, and I love interacting with you. I've been in accounting & finance over 25 years and can most likely answer your question.
About The Instructor
Chris Benjamin, MBA&CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting and finance. Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors.
The following 10+years Idecided to go into CFOConsulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFOlevel experience to companies. I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFOroll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more.
Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more!
Chris Benjamin, Instructor,CFO&MBA