ABOUT THE COURSE:The aim of this course is to bring in various sociological dimensions of managing and governing resources be it a natural resource such as land, water, fisheries, forest or a man-made resource like internet, knowledge, culture, etc. The course will reflect on different perspectives on conservation practices, socio-political context, technical and cultural interaction between resources and different stakeholders. While doing that it will situate the debates along developmental and commons discourse. Students will learn the vocabulary of resource management and gain conceptual clarity through their exposure on the alternative resource governance mechanisms and resource management regimes (open source and commons).INTENDED AUDIENCE:Students, civil service aspirants , gate aspirants , academicians, industry professional, working professionals-ngosINDUSTRY SUPPORT:Educational institutes and universities
Sociology and Resource Management
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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Week 1: Natural resource management and different theoretical approach
Week 2:Community control of natural resources and man made resources
Week 3:Understanding urban commons
Week 4:Participatory approaches to resource management in India
Taught by
Prof. Archana Patnaik, Prof. Amrita Sen