Introduction To Robotics
Indian Institute of Technology Madras and NPTEL via Swayam
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This course is a bridge-course for students from various disciplines to get the basic understanding of robotics. The mechanical, electrical, and computer science aspects of robotics is covered in this introductory course. INTENDED AUDIENCE :Undergraduate/graduate students interested in roboticsPREREQUISITES :NoneINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :None
Week 1: Introduction to robotics- History, growth; Robot applications- Manufacturing industry, defense, rehabilitation, medical etc., Laws of RoboticsWeek 2: Robot mechanisms; Kinematics- coordinate transformations, DH parametersWeek 3: Forward kinematics, Inverse Kinematics Week 4: Jacobians, Statics, Trajectory PlanningWeek 5: Actuators (electrical)- DC motors, BLDC servo motorsWeek 6: Sensors , sensor integrationWeek 7: Control – PWM, joint motion control, feedback controlWeek 8: Computed torque controlWeek 9: Perception, Localisation and mappingWeek 10:Probabilistic robotics, Path planning, BFS; DFS; Dijkstra; A-star; D-star; Voronoi; Potential Field; Hybrid approachesWeek 11:Simultaneous Localization and MappingWeek 12:Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
Taught by
Prof. Asokan T, Prof. Balaraman Ravindran, Prof. Krishna Vasudevan