ABOUT THE COURSE: The proposed course will provide basic understanding about groundwater engineering which will start with the introduction of surface and subsurface waters, different types of aquifers, various important concepts e.g. porosity, permeability, hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, types of flows etc. Further, the course would also discuss basic laws which govern groundwater flow. There will be discussion on importance of pumping tests, groundwater modelling and groundwater recharge techniques. INTENDED AUDIENCE: Under and post-graduate engineering, post graduate and doctoral students PREREQUISITES: Current students of engineering, post graduate science students and PhD students should have basic knowledge of computers INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Central Groundwater Board / Authority, Central Water Commission etc
Week 1:Introduction to Groundwater Engineering, Importance of groundwater, Hydrologic Cycle
Week 2:Surface vs Groundwater, Water balance and its components, types of aquifers
Week 3:Infiltration and percolation, Porosity, Permeability, Surface Runoff
Week 4:Darcy’s Law, Limitations of Darcy Law, types of flows, Theis method, Jacob method
Week 5:Pumping test techniques, data analysis and interpretation
Week 6:Well losses – Specific Capacity and Specific yield, Collector well, Infiltration gallery
Week 7:Concept of Groundwater Management, Groundwater balance
Week 8:Introduction to groundwater modelling, Conceptualization of a model
Week 9:Initial and Boundary Conditions, Calibration, Validation, Future Prediction, Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty
Week 10:Artificial recharge techniques, Reclaimed wastewater recharge
Week 11:Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Seawater Intrusion and Remediation
Week 12:Ground water Basin management and Conjunctive use, Groundwater quality, Contamination source inventory and remediation schemes
Week 2:Surface vs Groundwater, Water balance and its components, types of aquifers
Week 3:Infiltration and percolation, Porosity, Permeability, Surface Runoff
Week 4:Darcy’s Law, Limitations of Darcy Law, types of flows, Theis method, Jacob method
Week 5:Pumping test techniques, data analysis and interpretation
Week 6:Well losses – Specific Capacity and Specific yield, Collector well, Infiltration gallery
Week 7:Concept of Groundwater Management, Groundwater balance
Week 8:Introduction to groundwater modelling, Conceptualization of a model
Week 9:Initial and Boundary Conditions, Calibration, Validation, Future Prediction, Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty
Week 10:Artificial recharge techniques, Reclaimed wastewater recharge
Week 11:Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Seawater Intrusion and Remediation
Week 12:Ground water Basin management and Conjunctive use, Groundwater quality, Contamination source inventory and remediation schemes
Taught by
Prof. Arun K. Saraf