ABOUT THE COURSE: Water is a fundamental natural resource that influences human health, ecology and economic development. Almost all activities such as domestic, agriculture and industrial demand we use water. Although water in nature is the most important and abundant compound but less than 1% of world water resources is available for our use. Though the world has achieved tremendous progress in all fields of science and technology but adequate and safe drinking water is still a distance dream for many people. This is due to the uneven distribution of water. Hence, there is a need to find out the availability and management of the water resources of our country with natural perspective.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Research, Students, Officials from IndustryPREREQUISITES: B.Tech/BE in Civil or Environmental or Msc in Environmental science.INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Research Institute/ PSUs/ Govt. Institute.
Availability and Management of Groundwater Resources
NPTEL and IIT (ISM) Dhanbad via Swayam
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Week 1: Introduction of hydrological cycle, need for conservation of groundwater resources
Week 2:Geologic formations as aquifers
Week 3:Vadose and saturated zones
Week 4:Confined and unconfined aquifers and their parameters
Week 5:Porosity, permeability, transmissivity and storage coefficient
Week 6:Law of groundwater movement, Darcy’s law and applications
Week 7:Estimation of Subsurface runoff, Types of wells, Well Hydraulics
Week 8:Measurement of rainfall, Index of wetness, Infiltration rate
Week 9:Estimation of Total Annual Replenishable Natural Groundwater Recharge
Week 10:Groundwater resources planning and management
Week 11:Rainwater Harvesting and Artificial groundwater recharge
Week 12:Impact of climate change on water resources
Taught by
Prof. Prasoon Kumar Singh