ABOUT THE COURSE:This course is designed to introduce students with the concepts of environmental fluid mechanics. Some examples of such flows include the hot exhaust plumes from industrial chimneys or dust storms during summers, which occur primarily when there is density difference between two fluids in the system due to temperature or concentration gradients. Students will learn about the analytical and experimental techniques that are used to model such naturally driven flows in the atmosphere, in the ocean, or in the subsurface. The course will include the applications of conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy in deriving necessary solutions and in describing the behavior of environmental flows.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Faculty, PG students, Senior UG studentsPREREQUISITES: Courses on Fluid Mechanics or HydraulicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT:The industries dealing with remediation of air and water pollution may find this course useful. Moreover, it may be of interest to the government bodies associated with environment related policy making.
Week 1: IntroductionWeek 2:Vorticity DynamicsWeek 3:Buoyant plumesWeek 4: Gravity currentsWeek 5:Surface wavesWeek 6:Flow through porous mediaWeek 7:Contaminant transport in porous mediaWeek 8:Introduction to instabilities
Taught by
Prof.Chunendra K Sahu