Develop a solid understanding of drones
With the increase in the use of drones, there has also been an acceleration in drone incidents. Because of this, it’s extremely important to understand how to respond to this growing area of concern.
On this two-week course, you’ll discover the practices of responding to and investigating a drone incident. Drone incidents are defined as the illegal use of a drone which may result in the drone crashing, or being crashed deliberately, into an asset.
By the end, you’ll have a firm understanding of drones and know how to respond to incidents as a first responder.
Explore different drone types
You’ll start by gaining an overview of drones and their role in the modern world.
Unpacking different types of drones, you’ll explore drone data, drone legislation, and safe drone operation.
Receive first responder guidance for dealing with a drone attack
Next, you’ll discover the first responder guidance for dealing with a drone incident. This includes initial response, receipt of information, crime scene processing, and safety procedures.
With this knowledge, you’ll be able to administer emergency care, secure and control persons and potential evidence, and turn over control of the scene to the investigators in charge.
Learn to establish an incident command system
Finally, you’ll gain the skills to successfully establish a command post, known as an incident command system.
This will help you manage witnesses, document actions, and conduct a scene assessment. What’s more, you’ll also learn how to create boundaries and conduct a scene walk-through to ensure your initial documentation is correct.
By the end of this course, you’ll know the process of investigation into a drone incident and the actions you should take as a first responder.
This course is designed for first responders or those who may be responsible for responding to drone incidents.
It’s also suitable for those with an interest in drone technology and the protection of assets from drone attacks.
No prior knowledge or experience is required. You’ll learn unique and valuable skills in this new and growing area of concern.