Learn how to choose and use the right Salesforce integration API (SOAP | REST | Batch | Streaming | Outbound Messaging | Apex Callouts) to connect your applications to the cloud.
Salesforce.com is the world's leading CRM provider with billions of transactions per day. It also has one of the broadest set of integration services available with options for query, batch, and streaming. How does a developer choose the right one for their situation? In this course, we'll explore all the major integration APIs that Salesforce has to offer, and see when each one is the right fit for a given situation. You'll learn how to use each API to get data in and out of Salesforce effectively, and make Salesforce a first-class, integrated component of your application portfolio.
Salesforce.com is the world's leading CRM provider with billions of transactions per day. It also has one of the broadest set of integration services available with options for query, batch, and streaming. How does a developer choose the right one for their situation? In this course, we'll explore all the major integration APIs that Salesforce has to offer, and see when each one is the right fit for a given situation. You'll learn how to use each API to get data in and out of Salesforce effectively, and make Salesforce a first-class, integrated component of your application portfolio.