In this Maya tutorial, we'll focus on advanced techniques for successfully modeling polygon forms. Software required: Maya 2015.
In this Maya tutorial, we'll focus on advanced techniques for successfully modeling polygon forms. We'll concentrate on controlling surfaces and edge flow in polygon models. We'll also break down the forms into basic shapes, utilizing the tools that are available, thought processes of modeling the shapes and modeling for the production pipeline. You'll learn techniques for getting predictable results, modeling for smoothing at render time and where it all fits into the polygon modeling pipeline. By the end of this Maya training, you'll gain a better understanding of the pre-planning process, working with edge flow and breaking down shapes into smaller forms to get the correct amount of geometry. Software required: Maya 2015.
In this Maya tutorial, we'll focus on advanced techniques for successfully modeling polygon forms. We'll concentrate on controlling surfaces and edge flow in polygon models. We'll also break down the forms into basic shapes, utilizing the tools that are available, thought processes of modeling the shapes and modeling for the production pipeline. You'll learn techniques for getting predictable results, modeling for smoothing at render time and where it all fits into the polygon modeling pipeline. By the end of this Maya training, you'll gain a better understanding of the pre-planning process, working with edge flow and breaking down shapes into smaller forms to get the correct amount of geometry. Software required: Maya 2015.