This free course, Exploring data: graphs and numerical summaries, will introduce you to a number of ways of representing data graphically and of summarising data numerically. You will learn the uses for pie charts, bar charts, histograms and scatterplots. You will also be introduced to various ways of summarising data and methods for assessing location and dispersion.
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 Introducing data
- 1 Introducing data
- 2 Data and questions
- 2 Data and questions
- 2.1 Nuclear power stations
- 2.2 USA workforce
- 2.3 Infants with SIRDS
- 2.4 Runners
- 2.5 Cirrhosis and alcoholism
- 2.6 Body weights and brain weights for animals
- 2.7 Surgical removal of tattoos
- 2.8 Data and questions: summary
- 3 Pie charts and bar charts
- 3 Pie charts and bar charts
- 3.1 Pie charts: surgical removal of tattoos
- 3.2 Pie charts: Nuclear power stations
- 3.3 Bar charts: nuclear power stations
- 3.4 Bar charts: Surgical removal of tattoos
- 3.5 Problems with graphics
- 3.6 Problems with graphics: USA workforce
- 3.7 Problems with graphics: nuclear power stations
- 3.8 Pie charts and bar charts: summary
- 4 Histograms and scatterplots
- 4 Histograms and scatterplots
- 4.1 Histograms
- 4.2 Scatterplots
- 4.3 Scatterplots: body weights and brain weights for animals
- 4.4 Histograms and scatterplots: summary
- 5 Numerical summaries
- 5 Numerical summaries
- 5.1 Measures of location
- 5.2 The median
- 5.2.1 Beta endorphin concentration (collapsed runners)
- 5.2.2 Birth weights of infants with SIRDS
- 5.3 The mean
- 5.4 The mode
- 5.4.1 Chest measurements of Scottish soldiers
- 5.4.2 Waiting times between geyser eruptions
- 5.5 Measures of dispersion
- 5.6 Quartiles and the interquartile range
- 5.6.1 Quartiles for the SIRDS data
- 5.6.2 Quartiles when the sample size is awkward
- 5.6.3 Interquartile range for the SIRDS data
- 5.7 The standard deviation
- 5.8 Sample variance
- 5.9 A note on accuracy
- 5.10 Symmetry and skewness
- 5.11 Numerical summaries: summary
- 6 Conclusion
- 6 Conclusion
- Acknowledgements