- Module 1: Learn how to deploy ESG data estate and ingest data
This module explains the following concepts:
- Explore the standard ESG data model and the different lakehouses used in the solution.
- Deploy the sustainability data solutions in Microsoft Fabric.
- Deploy the ESG data estate solution.
- Ingest external data and transform the data.
- Module 2: Learn how to use Azure emissions and explore carbon optimization.
This module explains the following concepts:
- Explore Microsoft Azure emissions insights and carbon optimization capabilities
- Deploy the Azure emissions insights and carbon optimization solutions
- Analyze the emissions data and optimize the carbon footprint
- Module 3: This module guides you through interactive exercises to deploy the Environmental data and insights capability and use it to gain insights.
This module explains how to:
- Deploy the environmental data and insights capability.
- Explore how you can ingest and transform your data in Sustainability Manager.
- Module 4: Learn how to compute ESG metrics for audit disclosures
In this module, you learn:
- How to deploy and explore ESG metrics capability.
- How to update compute metrics.
- How to create custom metrics.
- How to use aggregated datasets for audit disclosures.
- Module 1: Module 1: Deploy ESG data estate and ingest data
- Introduction
- Explore ESG data estate capability
- Deploy ESG Data Estate and ingest ESG data
- Ingest and transform external data
- Walkthrough for ingesting external data
- Check your knowledge
- Summary
- Module 2: Module 2: Analyze using Microsoft Azure emissions insights
- Introduction
- Explore Azure carbon optimization for emissions
- Exercise - Use Azure carbon optimization
- Ingest emissions data
- Exercise - Deploy Microsoft Azure emissions insights capability
- Analyze emissions data
- Exercise - Analyze Azure emissions data
- Check your knowledge
- Summary
- Module 3: Module 3: Explore environmental data and insights
- Introduction
- Explore environment data and insights
- Exercise - Ingest Microsoft Sustainability Manager data
- Check your knowledge
- Summary
- Module 4: Module 4: Compute ESG metrics for audit disclosures
- Introduction
- Exercise - Deploy Environmental, Social, and Governance metrics capability
- Upload compute metrics
- Create custom metrics
- Use aggregated datasets for audit disclosures
- Check your knowledge
- Summary