- Module 1: Do you assemble items? This module will focus on how to set up assembly management in Business Central and how to prepare warehouses in Business Central for assembling items.
- Assign an assembly location
- Assign assembly bins
- Module 2: Do you want to know how to set up assembly items in Business Central? This module provides information to set up assembly items. It explains how to create an assembly bill of materials and how to assign the assembly policy.
- Create assembly items
- Set up assembly bill of materials
- Understand the assembly policy options on the item card
- Module 3: Do you need to assemble items for orders? This module will focus on the assemble-to-order flows. It explains how to create and process assembly orders for sold items that are not kept in inventory. It demonstrates how to customize assembly orders based on customers’ demand and how to check the availability of the assembly components.
- Understand when and why to use the Assemble-to-Order assembly policy
- Create an assemble-to-order sales order
- Customize linked assembly order lines
- Check the availability of assembly components
- Calculate the assemble-to-order cost and price
- Ship assembly items
- Post assemble-to-order sales orders
- Module 4: Assembly items that typically are not customizable and that companies want to keep in stock are set up with the Assemble-to-Stock assembly policy. This module explains how to create assembly orders manually and how to replenish assembly items by calculating a plan.
- Understand when and why to use the Assemble-to-Stock assembly policy
- Create an assembly order manually
- Post an assembly order
- Check assembly consumption and output
- Replenish assembly items from the planning worksheet
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
By the end of this module, students will be able to:
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
By the end of this module, students will be able to: