Learn how to make money selling music merchandise. Find out where to order merch, how to price it, and how to run a successful merch table or online store.
- Welcome
- The basic strategy for selling merch
- How touring bands sell merch
- Designing merch artwork
- The most profitable merch pieces
- Why your merch doesn't sell
- Selecting merch items
- Creating a tour book
- Tips for ordering merch
- Determining your costs
- Determining your selling price
- Using bundles to increase sales
- Don't forget the transactions costs
- Essential merch table items
- Ten things to make your merch table magnetic
- Taking credit cards the fast and easy way
- Sales tips for artists and bands
- Selling your merch online
- What to look for in an online shopping-cart service
- What's next?
Taught by
Bobby Owsinski