Advance your Rhino modeling and workflow skills with these weekly tips, tricks, and techniques.
1. Tips and Tricks
- What are degrees and why should I care?
- Edit > ReBuild with curves
- Edit > ReBuild with surfaces
- Edit > ReBuild command alternatives
- Quiz demo: Curvy cross
- Quiz demo: Symmetrical soap
- Quiz demo: Triple pod thing
- ToasterBot 01: Introduction and overview
- ToasterBot 02: Building the enclosure
- ToasterBot 03: Creating simple openings
- ToasterBot 04: Creating recessed openings
- ToasterBot 05: Cooking up bread
- ToasterBot 06: Building a lever
- ToasterBot 07: Making a retro knob
- ToasterBot 08: Modelling eyes
- Working with imported meshes
- Make an isometric or exploded view
- Align the viewport camera
- Viewport shading controls
- Make better presentations with compositing
- Exploring design options with Record History
- Working with imported meshes
- Make an isometric or exploded view
- Align your camera viewport at any angle
- Viewport shading controls
- Exploring design options with Record History
- Make better presentations with compositing
- Creating coiled tubing for your science lab
- Make a 3D spiral ramp
- Dont forget to make reminders
- Save time with curve Booleans
Taught by
Dave Schultze