Learn to create, style, animate, and render realistic hair with Maya nHair.
- Welcome
- Using the exercise files
- Understanding Nucleus nHair
- Loading nHair examples
- Prepping a model for nHair
- Laying out UVs
- Adding nHair
- Choosing Create nHair options
- Analyzing the nHair node structure
- Displaying curves and converting selections
- Tuning the Nucleus solver
- Setting display quality
- Choosing a simulation method
- Setting dynamic properties
- Controlling stiffness with Bend Resistance
- Controlling collisions
- Adjusting forces such as mass and drag
- Defining Clump and Hair Shape attributes
- Adjusting Clump Twist, Clump Flatness, and Clump Curl
- Changing hair shape with displacements
- Shading the hairSystem
- Creating follicles with the Paint Hair Follicles tool
- Selecting follicles in the viewport
- Moving follicles in UV space
- Trimming and extending follicles
- Painting follicle attributes
- Painting follicle color
- Setting individual follicle attributes
- Converting the follicle simulation method
- Linking objects to surfaces with follicles
- Creating production-quality nHair
- Transforming curves
- Using Start Curve Attract
- Modifying curves
- Creating long hairstyles
- Locking curve length
- Editing curve CVs
- Applying nConstraints
- Creating an nCache
- Rendering in Maya software
- Rendering in mental ray
- Enabling Multi Streaks
- Goodbye
Taught by
Aaron F. Ross