Learn to correctly lay out your documents for print in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.
- Introduction to building your artwork for print
- Prerequisites
- Image resolution
- Color space
- Text in Photoshop
- Limitations of Smart Objects
- Building a simple three-panel brochure
- Using swatches
- Working with effects
- Cautions about blending modes
- Gathering up the pieces
- Saving as a PDF
- Setting InDesign preferences
- Create a three-panel brochure, folded size
- Create a three-panel brochure, flat size
- Working with color swatches
- Understanding "rich black"
- Creating correct color-plus-black gradients
- Managing graphics
- Using Overprint Preview in InDesign
- Transparency issues across applications
- Preflighting in InDesign
- Packaging a print job
- Generating PDFs
- Using Output Preview
- Using touch-up tools
- Converting colors
- Fixing those white lines
- Final thoughts
- Next steps
Taught by
Claudia McCue