Online video ads are essential for any business. Learn how to write, produce, and shoot a professional online video ad.
- A new horizon for online video advertising
- The final products
- A brief history of online video
- Growth of online video ads
- Effectiveness of online video advertising
- Decide on social media platforms to target
- Different types of video ads
- Different types of video styles
- Key performance indicators
- Know your audience and influencers
- Research the competition
- Working within your limitations
- Decide on your personal style and brand
- Make your script conversational
- Working with an ad script outline
- Notes, storyboards, keywords, and calls to action
- Breaking down your shoot day
- You can't always fix it in post
- Choose your camera and equipment
- Scout your location
- Prep your talent
- Compose your shots
- Lighting your shots
- The importance of audio
- Put it all together: The interview
- Be prepared: On location
- Back up your footage
- The final products
- Next steps
Taught by
Nick Harauz