Where do I get music for all my videos?
I use AUDIIO nowadays! The most important thing for me is simply: How easy is it to find good music? I dont care how many songs they have or add daily or how many big brands use the service.. I need to know, that I can find what I need! And with Audiio I love how easy it is to find what I need. You can look for moods and themes and genres of course. But how useful is the "build" option, where I can select things like "ascending" in emotion or "multiple crescendos". Anyone who has edited before, knows how useful that can be!
Audiio Pro offers music AND sfx for any platform, including commercial work. And here is the catch: Through my link you can get the first full year for just 59$ which is 70% off!
I use it, I think you should use it, too. Click here and get those 70% off: I WANT TO TAKE A LISTEN
The Email Script that got me 3 Real Estate Video Clients in 3 Days!: https://dennisschrader.com/realestateemail
My Personal Folder Structure for Video Projects (Ready to Use!): https://dennisschrader.com/folderstructure
Understand the Basics of Filmmaking PDF (Free Download): https://dennisschrader.com/understandingbasics
The Camera Gear I use and recommend:
Talking Head Video is one of the most important types of video. In this class you will learn ALL you need to record amazing looking talking head videos for any purpose. I will also provide you with exact gear recommendations so you can follow along and have great video quality for a low budget.
We cover:
- How to find the right location
- Where to position your subject in the frame
- How to set professional lighting (low budget)
- Where to position your camera
- How to get high-quality audio recording
Those types of videos are really versatile and are used in so many different occasions.
- Youtube Videos
- Online Course Content
- Interviews / Conversations
- Even your ZOOM-Meeting!
Today you will learn how to make your videos look better.