⌨️ Intro and Project Showcase
⌨️ Setting Up Pygame And Importing Images
⌨️ Drawing the Gun and Rotating With Mouse Position
⌨️ Drawing Enemies Onto the Screen
⌨️ Procedurally Generate Enemy Starting Coordinates
⌨️ Make Enemies Move With Speed Based on Tiers
⌨️ Check for Mouse Collision with Targets on Shots
⌨️ Display Score, Mode Status, Time Elapsed and Total Shots!
⌨️ Menu Control and Setup
⌨️ Pause Menu and Restarting from the Game Screens
⌨️ Re-Initializing Enemy Coordinates on Restart
⌨️ Game Over Conditions!
⌨️ Reading and Writing to a .txt Text file for high scores!
⌨️ Adding Background Music and Sound Effects!
⌨️ Outro and Thank you!!
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