⌨️ Intro
⌨️ Basic setup
⌨️ Object oriented programming in JavaScript
⌨️ Drawing the player
⌨️ Mouse controls
⌨️ Making the player move
⌨️ Creating obstacles
⌨️ Non-overlapping obstacles
⌨️ Randomized images from a sprite sheet
⌨️ Positioning rules
⌨️ Reusable collision detection method
⌨️ Let's add physics
⌨️ 8-directional sprite animation
⌨️ Animation angles
⌨️ Debug mode
⌨️ Player movement boundaries
⌨️ FPS
⌨️ Egg class
⌨️ Periodically adding new eggs
⌨️ Egg physics
⌨️ Draw order
⌨️ Enemy class
⌨️ Larva class
⌨️ Egg hatching
⌨️ Larva sprites and collisions
⌨️ Gaining score points
⌨️ Particle effects
⌨️ Particle motion
⌨️ Randomized enemy skins
⌨️ Win and lose condition
⌨️ Restart game
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