⌨️ Into and Course Overview
⌨️ Downloading Godot
⌨️ Setting Up the Godot Project
⌨️ Your First 2D Scene
⌨️ UI with Control Nodes
⌨️ Main Menu Script
⌨️ Your Second Scene
⌨️ Downloading The Game Assets
⌨️ Fixing Asset Pixelation
⌨️ Making the Player Character
⌨️ Making the Background
⌨️ Understanding The Default Player Script
⌨️ Animating the Player with Scripting
⌨️ Player Camera and Game Window Sizes
⌨️ Animating the Player with AnimationTree
⌨️ Setting Up Paralax Background
⌨️ BONUS! TileMaps and TileSets
⌨️ Limiting Player Movement to Screen Bounds
⌨️ Creating Our First Enemy: Frog Mob
⌨️ Frog Mob AI Scripting: Chase the Player
⌨️ Frog Mob AI Scripting: Hurt and Kill the Player
⌨️ Player Health UI and Scripting
⌨️ Global Game Scripts
⌨️ Saving and Loading the Game
⌨️ Adding Gold Count to UI
⌨️ Set Up Collectable Items
⌨️ Animating Tweens In Godot
⌨️ Timer Nodes for Spawning Items
⌨️ RNG: Random Number Generator in Godot
⌨️ Quick Tip - Organizing Spawning Folders
⌨️ Outro and Goodbye!
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