Django 3 Course - Python Web Framework (+ pandas, matplotlib, & more)
via freeCodeCamp
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django project setup part 1.
django project setup part 2.
django project setup part 3.
customer model.
product model.
profile model + post_save signal.
sale model.
m2m_changed signal.
reports model.
first view and template.
working on the sales list.
navigating to the detail page.
creating the search form.
get the data from the search form.
first querysets and dataframes.
display dataframes in the templates.
dataframe for the positions.
get the sales id for position objects.
the apply function.
merge dataframes.
perform groupby.
working on the charts part 1.
working on the charts part 2.
hello world from the console.
adding the modal .
add the report form to the modal .
add the 'results by' field.
no data available alert .
add the chart to the modal.
create report objects.
adding alerts to the modal.
report list and detail page.
working on the report list .
working on the report detail.
first pdf.
the report pdf.
add dropzone + favicon.
working on the dropzone js part 1.
working on the dropzone js part 2.
uploading csvs.
first objects from file.
improving the dropzone.
dropzone js final touches.
adding my profile.
working on my profile.
protecting the views.
adding the navbar.
the forgotten sale detail page.
outro + next steps .
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5.0 rating, based on 1 Class Central review
Excellent step by step lessons to build a django project.
This wasn't my first exposure to django, but it has help bring everything I know about it together.
As I went through the course, I store each lesson in a git repository. This will be a great reference for me in the future.