Dive into the fundamentals of data structures in C programming language with this comprehensive lecture from Harvard University's CS50 2018 course. Explore key concepts including memory allocation, structs, linked lists, hash tables, trees, and tries. Begin with a recap of Week 3 material before delving into practical examples using memory.c and the CS50 IDE. Gain a deep understanding of structs and their implementation, followed by an extensive exploration of linked lists, including live demonstrations and coding examples. Learn about the typedef keyword and its applications. Examine progressively complex list implementations through list0.c, list1.c, and list2.c. Conclude with an introduction to advanced data structures such as hash tables, trees, and tries. Access supplementary materials including handouts, notes, problem sets, and source code to enhance your learning experience.
) Introduction.
) Week 3 Recap.
) memory.c.
) ddb50.
) Week 3 Recap, continued.
) struct.h.
) struct0.c.
) Linked Lists.
) typedef.
) Linked Lists on Stage.
) list0.c.
) list1.c.
) list2.c.
) Hash Tables.
) Trees.
) Tries.
Taught by