In this course, Bianca Gandolfo — JavaScript consultant and returning Frontend Masters instructor — demonstrates how to organize and use data efficiently with data structures. Following along with the course, you'll learn to implement the most common data structures such as linked lists, hash tables, and stacks/queues. Plus, review and solve common technical interview questions through practice and solution walkthroughs!
- Series Overview
- Interview Process
- Common Interview Mistakes
- Interview Questions Q&A
- Data Structure
- Course Overview
- Types of Data Structures
- Stacks & Queues
- Linked List Introduction
- Linked List Demo
- Link List Use Cases
- Draw Stacks, Queues & Linked Lists
- Stacks, Queues & Linked Lists Drawings
- Hash Tables
- Hash Tables Use Cases, Arrays & Strings
- Draw Hash Tables, Array & Strings
- Overview & Stack Exercise
- Exercise Prep Q&A
- Stack: Push & Pop Methods
- Stack: Edge Cases
- Stack: Peek Method
- Stack: Q&A
- Queue Exercise
- Queue: Method Usage
- Queue: Enqueue & Dequeue
- Queue: Q&A
- Linked List Exercise
- Linked List: Usage & Constructor
- Linked List: Insert Method
- Linked List: Insert Q&A
- Linked List: Remove Tail
- Linked List: Q&A
- Linked List: Head, Tail & Contains
- Linked List Commentary
- Hash Table Exercise
- Hash Table: Usage, Constructor & Insert
- Hash Table: Retrieve
- Hash Table: Remove
- Overview
- Stack & Queue
- Linked List
- Hash Table, Array & String
- Common Operations
- Data Structures Overview
- Other Considerations
- Additional Resources
Taught by
Bianca Gandolfo