Standard ML (SML) is one of the two main dialects of the ML programming language. ML was the first strong statically typed language, developed in the early 1970s at the University of Edinburgh.
Despite its age, SML feels very young in many ways; SML had features that mainstream languages would not pick up for decades and are still being experimented with today.
- Hello World
- Leap
- Two Fer
- Space Age
- Pangram
- Collatz Conjecture
- Matching Brackets
- Allergies
- Accumulate
- All Your Base
- Anagram
- Atbash Cipher
- Bob
- Diamond
- Difference Of Squares
- Flatten Array
- Hamming
- List Ops
- Nth Prime
- Perfect Numbers
- Phone Number
- Pig Latin
- Prime Factors
- Raindrops
- Rna Transcription
- Roman Numerals
- Sum Of Multiples
- Reverse String
- Acronym
- Affine Cipher