ColdFusion (CFML) is a JVM scripting language whose syntax is similar to C or JavaScript. It JIT compiles to byte code that runs on the JVM but is dynamic and loosely typed, making it fast and easy to develop in. CF is a multi-paradigmed language, supporting classical OO and functional programming.
- Hello World
- Acronym
- Anagram
- Atbash Cipher
- Bob
- Diamond
- Difference Of Squares
- Flatten Array
- Gigasecond
- Grains
- Hamming
- Isogram
- Largest Series Product
- Leap
- Luhn
- Nth Prime
- Pangram
- Pig Latin
- Raindrops
- Rna Transcription
- Saddle Points
- Scrabble Score
- Secret Handshake
- Space Age
- Sum Of Multiples
- Triangle
- Word Count
- Markdown