Learn how to write Conda recipes and share them on Anaconda Cloud.
Now that you're proficient in many areas of data science with Python it's time to share your code and data with others. In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of sharing your data science assets. You'll learn how to leverage Anaconda Projects to package data, code, and conda environments into a single archive for other data scientists to run. You'll learn the basics of creating Python packages that provide importable modules. Finally, you'll learn how to write Conda recipes for your packages, build them, and share them on Anaconda Cloud.
Now that you're proficient in many areas of data science with Python it's time to share your code and data with others. In this course you'll learn the fundamentals of sharing your data science assets. You'll learn how to leverage Anaconda Projects to package data, code, and conda environments into a single archive for other data scientists to run. You'll learn the basics of creating Python packages that provide importable modules. Finally, you'll learn how to write Conda recipes for your packages, build them, and share them on Anaconda Cloud.