Learn the essentials managing large worksheets, creating models, and working financial, date, and logical functions.Target StudentThe course is for individuals who are responsible for managing and creating large worksheets and models in Excel.PrerequisitesExcel Introduction or equivalent skills.Course OutlineWorking with WorkbooksViewing, Renaming, and Color-coding WorksheetsEditing a GroupManipulating WorksheetsWorking with Multiple Worksheets and WorkbooksCreating Linked FormulasUsing 3-D ReferencesConsolidating Information by Position or CategoryViewing Multiple WorksheetsViewing Worksheets in Different WorkbooksUsing Absolute Cell ReferencesCreating Linked Formulas between WorkbooksUnderstanding FunctionsCreating and Using Absolute Named RangesCreating a Relative Named RangeUsing Custom ZoomWorking with FunctionsWorking with Insert FunctionWorking with Financial and Date FunctionsUsing Financial FunctionsUsing Date FunctionsWorking with Auditing and Error Checking ToolsWorking with Logical FunctionsUsing the IF FunctionNesting FunctionsUsing Multiple Conditions with the IF FunctionNesting IF FunctionsWorking with Lookup and Reference FunctionsUsing HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP FunctionsUsing the MATCH FunctionUsing the INDEX FunctionNesting the INDEX and MATCH FunctionsUsing INDEX MATCH MATCHUsing INDEX MATCH & MATCH
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ONLC Training Centers