Local law 196 requires workers and supervisor to receive safety training at construction sites that are required to designate a construction superintendent, site safety coordinator or site safety manager. By September 1, 2020 all workers will need total of 40 Hour of training to qualify for the Site Safety Training (SST) card. Supervisors must have a total of 62 hours of training by June 1, 2019 to obtain a Supervisor SST training card. The quickest way for a Supervisor to qualify for the Supervisor SST cards (total of 62 hours) is to complete the following courses: 30 Hour OSHA Class (not included in package, register for course in OSHA course page) and the following additional classes:32 Hour SST package (3.5 Days of Training):8 Hour Fall Prevention8 Hour Chapter 334 Hour Supported Scaffold User2 Hour Site Safety Plan2 Hour Tool Box Talks2 Hour Pre-Task Meetings2 Hours of General Electives2 Hours of Specialized Electives2 Hour Drug and Alcohol Awareness**If a student has already completed training in certain SST topics, credit hours can be applied toward the SST course requirements. Refer to the NYC DOB Course Equivalent document for applicable credit hours toward the SST card requirements.Proof of Identity : Must total 4 PointsNew York State DMV# OR NYC ID Card # = 4 Points OR Other ID (i.e. DMV for another state, US Passport, Foreign Passport) = 3 Points AND Additional Document for Proof of Address (i.e. Utility Bill, Cable Bill, Bank Statement, or Credit Card Statement) = 1 PointPlease Note:After registration, students will receive a information on signing onto the webinar via ZOOM. Please note access to a PC with webcam and audio will be necessary to attend the live webinar. Students will be required to show NY state ID (example: Drivers License) at the start of the Webinar.
Taught by
Big Apple Occupational Safety