Chemotaxis in E. coli
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Classroom Contents
The Laws of Sensitivity for Small Nonequilibrium Systems
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- 1 Laws of sensitivity for small systems
- 2 At equilibrium, physics provides powerful tools to relate sensitivity (response to a perturbation) to system Structure
- 3 Binding to hemoglobin
- 4 Hill's explanation • Binding curve shape can be explained by multiple oxygen hemoglobin (Hil 1910)
- 5 A simple equilibrium law
- 6 Alienagerie of nonequilibrium sensitivity mechanisms...
- 7 Chemotaxis in E. coli
- 8 Quantifying sensitivity
- 9 Counting bound CheY-P...
- 10 Two sides of an equation
- 11 Kinetic schemes
- 12 Equilibrium vs. nonequilibrium
- 13 A common picture
- 14 Back to the flagellar motor
- 15 Tu's motor model
- 16 Key tool underlying results • There is an exact, algebraic expression for the nonequilibrium steady state probabilities in terms of transition rates. (Markov chain tree theorem)
- 17 Types of perturbations . Parameterize the transition rates like this
- 18 Tiuctuations determine sensitivity to vertex perturbations
- 19 Revisiting the flagellar motor
- 20 Nested hysteresis
- 21 Where to next?
- 22 Driving forces bound sensitivity to (symmetric) edge perturbations
- 23 Unifying the menagerie