107. Add Fog
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Classroom Contents
Create a Game from Scratch in Unreal Engine 5 - Full Course Part 2
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- 1 45. Make enemies avoid other enemies
- 2 46. Add a Win screen
- 4 47. Create the Niagara Script & System
- 5 48. Create the Material
- 6 49. Create the Enemy Trail
- 7 50. Trail Material & System
- 8 51. Spark System
- 9 52. Spark Continuation
- 10 53. Spark Last Touches
- 11 54. Impact Hit fire
- 12 55. Impact hit sparks
- 13 56. Hit Impact Sparks & Implementation
- 14 57. Add our Effect to the Blueprint
- 15 58. Fire Hit Last Touches
- 16 59. Hit VFX
- 17 60. Hit VFX Last Touches
- 18 61. Hit VFX Placement Fixes
- 19 62. Hit Screen Blueprint
- 20 63. Hit Screen Blueprint Last Touches
- 21 64. Hit Screen Material
- 22 65. Flower Material
- 23 66. Flower VFX
- 24 67. Tweaking Niagara
- 25 68. Niagara Sparks
- 26 69. Niagara Fixes
- 27 SECTION 3
- 28 70. Create our Level
- 29 71. Create the base of our Landscape
- 30 72. Sculpt the First area of the level
- 31 73. Add a secondary path
- 32 74. Create a bigger area
- 33 75. How World Partition Works
- 34 76. Add more playable areas
- 35 77. Finish the Level Design Layout
- 36 78. Create the Landscape Material
- 37 79. Change Landscape texture tiling
- 38 80. Fixing the distance tiling of the Material
- 39 81. Organizing the Nodes
- 40 82. Add Displacement
- 41 83. Create the Material function for the layer
- 42 84. Add a second layer for the Landscape
- 43 85. Add the rest of Landscape layers
- 44 86. Overview of the painting process
- 45 87. Add Big elements to your scene
- 46 88. Finish the Big elements of the scene
- 47 89. How to add Medium Sized Elements to your scene
- 48 90. How to create Level Instanced Actors
- 49 91. Overview of the Medium elements of the scene
- 50 92. Create the rock master material
- 51 93. Create the World Masking
- 52 94. Add a second layer for the rock
- 53 95. Optimization part 1
- 54 96. Optmization part 2
- 55 97. Test our game
- 56 98. Add the Slope mask for the rock material
- 57 99. Download Free Assets from Epic Games
- 58 100. Create Groups to start using assets
- 59 101. Add the Focal point to our level
- 60 102. How to decorate the environment using environmental assets
- 61 103. Add background elements
- 62 104. How to start lighting your environment
- 63 105. Add Post Process Volume
- 64 106. Add Light Shafts and Lens Flares
- 65 107. Add Fog
- 66 108. Create the HP Bar mask
- 67 109. Create the Material for the HP Bar
- 68 110. Add the Material to the Widget
- 69 111. Add our UI Avatar
- 70 112. Create the Main Menu Button Texture
- 71 113. Change the Main Button Widget Style
- 72 114. Add the Same Widget Style to the Win widget
- 73 115. Change the style of the Title
- 74 116. Add our enemies to our level
- 75 117. Add our Victory condition
- 76 118. How to make your game fun
- 77 SECTION 4
- 78 119. Bug fix: The Player may fall to the ground after respawning on lower end PCs
- 79 120. Bug Fix: Enemies no longer attack the player after the previous bug fix
- 80 121. Add Camera shake when the player walks
- 81 122. Add camera shakes when the player receives damage and for projectiles
- 82 123. Add enemy hit animation
- 83 124. Add cinematic at the start to show the main quest of the game