Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners

Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners

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Abstract Classes

28 of 45

28 of 45

Abstract Classes

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Kotlin Course - Tutorial for Beginners

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  1. 1 Create Your First Kotlin Project
  2. 2 Hello World
  3. 3 Working With Variables
  4. 4 Type System
  5. 5 Basic Control Flow
  6. 6 Basic Kotlin Functions
  7. 7 Function Parameters
  8. 8 Arrays
  9. 9 Iterating with forEach
  10. 10 Lists
  11. 11 Maps
  12. 12 Mutable vs Immutable Collections
  13. 13 Vararg Parameters
  14. 14 Named Arguments
  15. 15 Default Parameter Values
  16. 16 Create A Simple Class
  17. 17 Adding Class Properties
  18. 18 Class Init Block
  19. 19 Accessing Class Properties
  20. 20 Primary Constructor Properties
  21. 21 Secondary Constructors
  22. 22 Working With Multiple Init Blocks
  23. 23 Default Property Values
  24. 24 Properties With Custom Getters/Setters
  25. 25 Class Methods
  26. 26 Visibility Modifiers - Public/Private/Protected/Public
  27. 27 Interfaces
  28. 28 Abstract Classes
  29. 29 Implementing An Interface
  30. 30 Overriding Methods
  31. 31 Default Interface Methods
  32. 32 Interface Properties
  33. 33 Implementing Multiple Interfaces
  34. 34 Type Checking And Smart Casts
  35. 35 Inheritance
  36. 36 Object Expressions
  37. 37 Companion Objects
  38. 38 Object Declarations
  39. 39 Enum Classes
  40. 40 Sealed Classes
  41. 41 Data Classes
  42. 42 Extension Functions/Properties
  43. 43 Higher-Order Functions
  44. 44 Using The Kotlin Standard Library
  45. 45 Data Classes

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