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Two years after its first major layoff round, Coursera announces another, impacting 10% of its workforce.
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Learn Online Safety, earn certificates with free online courses from University of Michigan, The Open University, University of Leeds, Deakin University and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Thrive at university in the ‘new normal’ and build the skills you need to get the most out of online university learning.
Experts discuss policies, practices, and partnerships needed to improve online safety in digital media environments, addressing content creation, viewing, and sharing challenges.
Achieve your personal goals online with improved digital skills and confidence.
Exploring AI and social science approaches to combat hate speech online, discussing research on classifying hate and counter speech patterns to promote civility in digital spaces.
Improve your digital skills for study, life and work, and learn how to navigate the web effectively and safely.
Learn basic skills for working with software applications, the internet, and email on your Windows 10 computer.
Learn how to design online products and services with user safety and rights at the core of the design and development process.
Do digital technologies affect our wellbeing? Explore the concepts of health, relationships and society in the digital age.
Learn how to recognize the telltale signs of a phishing scam and avoid sharing sensitive data with hackers.
Keep your kids engaged and on track as they learn from home. Learn how to guide students and keep them up to speed with their educational goals and requirements.
Learn how to protect your personal information and improve your cybersecurity posture.
Explore a range of strategies for teaching computing to primary school pupils (aged 5 to 11 years old).
Enhanced collaboration with other employees and customers through social media can lead to a better business, but there can be serious dangers to the business, yourself, and your family. This course teaches you how to avoid social networking attacks.
Communicate effectively with staff, students, and parents, and save time as an educator by using Google’s productivity tools.
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