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Learn GitLab, earn certificates with free online courses from Stanford and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Deploy any Laravel application and to set up a fully functional CICD pipeline for it using Jenkins and GitLab
Gain a deep intuition of the Git version control system, simplified through story telling
Step-by-Step OAuth, OpenID Connect with Keycloak, GitLab, JWT, Multi Identity Providers, Identity Broker and Spring Boot
Master Oracle JET development from scratch, building web applications with MySQL, Java services, security features, and data visualization. Learn deployment, version control with GitLab, and localization.
Learn Complete Auto DevOps implementation with Gitlab & Kubernetes: Best Practices Bootcamp! All hands-on course
Python, Docker, Flask, GitLab, Jenkins tools and technology used for deploy model in your Local server. A complete Guide
Docker Platform fundamentals & best practices on Microsoft Azure and DevOps
A full cypress course from scratch where i explain everything in a real life examples that runs locally in your machine
Learn to set up a CI/CD pipeline using GitLab and Helm on Linode Kubernetes Engine. This workshop covers installation, configuration, and troubleshooting for efficient DevOps workflows.
Explore the strengths and weaknesses of different agile software tools, including Microsoft Excel, Atlassian JIRA, Trello, Microsoft Azure DevOps, and GitLab.
Master GitLab with this comprehensive online course. Learn to download, install, and use GitLab on the cloud. No prior knowledge required, just an open mind. Offered by Josh Werner.
Learn the key tools and programming languages to bootstrap your career as a Cloud Developer. Get started with web development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and GitHub.
Learn DevOps principles and practices in the networking environment for fast application deployment, increased network stability, and maintaining a consistent change process.
Learn best practices for using Git as a team. Explore techniques and tools that can help you and your team work together harmoniously and quickly deliver high-quality software.
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