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Learn Freelancing, earn certificates with free online courses from The Open University, Michigan State University, CalArts, York and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Find out how to start and grow a freelance career. Learn about business basics, finding work, selling work, pricing, and how to make a living freelancing full-time .
Kickstart your freelance career with practical tips on finances, client management, and work-life balance. Learn to make the leap, set budgets, handle feedback, and create a sustainable schedule.
Learn to start freelancing on Upwork and with no prior skills. Covers profile setup, job bidding, client communication, and avoiding scams. Includes practical examples for data entry and virtual assistant roles.
Learn the skills to start and grow a successful freelancing business. Get tips on how to market yourself, find new clients, sell your services, use software systems, and more.
Learn effective strategies for organizing work and life as a freelancer, including time management, networking, and balancing personal commitments for a successful and fulfilling career.
Unlock freelance success: Learn essential business logistics, from contracts to taxes. Gain expert tips for pricing, getting paid, and managing expenses to elevate your freelance career.
Learn to build a successful freelance business with tips on multiple income streams, in-demand jobs, and essential steps for starting your side hustle and working from home.
Connect with your ideal clients and grow as a creative professional by learning how to promote your unique style and personality in a natural way
Learn essential financial management skills for freelancers, including pricing, invoicing, and accounting. Gain practical tips to avoid common mistakes and maximize profits in your creative business.
Conquer your finances by setting achievable budget goals, developing stable money management habits, and balancing business and personal expenses.
Motivational guide to transitioning into full-time freelancing, covering essential aspects like cash flow, personal branding, client acquisition, and contract protection.
Learn systematic freelancing: niche selection, audience building, service selling, and professional delivery. Gain insights from a seasoned freelancer to start and grow your sustainable freelance business.
Learn the essential tools and techniques needed to develop a business mindset and start a successful career as a freelancer
Learn valuable tips for building a successful freelance business, from attracting clients and pricing projects to marketing yourself and creating passive income streams. Gain practical insights for creatives and designers.
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