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Learn Crystal Structures, earn certificates with paid and free online courses from Stanford, MIT, Georgia Tech, Arizona State University and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Explore semiconductor crystal structures using the ABACUS tool suite, focusing on visualization, symmetry, and surface properties of silicon crystals.
Advanced quantum mechanics concepts and applications for modern science and technology, including spin, crystals, light, and quantum information.
Explore atomic structure, bonding, and defects in materials to understand how microstructure influences properties. Learn about crystalline and non-crystalline materials, and their behavior.
This unique and popular course satisfies MIT's general chemistry degree requirement, with an emphasis on solid-state materials and their application to engineering systems.
Explore symmetry theory, lattices, and crystal properties. Learn tensor representation, anisotropy, and applications in piezoelectricity and elasticity. Gain insights into crystalline structures and their physical characteristics.
Explore material properties, microstructure, and processing. Learn thermodynamics, phase diagrams, and kinetics of structural transformations. Apply concepts to understand carbon steels.
Explore fundamental concepts of materials science, from atomic structure to crystal systems. Learn how materials impact society and drive technological advancements across various engineering fields.
Explore key materials science concepts, from atomic bonding to phase diagrams, and their impact on technological advancements. Gain practical knowledge applicable to various engineering fields.
Explore atomic bonding, crystal structures, and mechanical properties of metals. Learn about cubic structures, Miller Indices, crystallographic defects, and tensile testing for materials science and engineering applications.
Explore the fundamentals of materials science, covering atomic structures, mechanical properties, and phase transformations. Gain insights into the correlation between composition, microstructure, processing, and properties.
A starting point for understanding metals – how they are made and their mechanical properties
The best way to start your electronics adventure is now available. This course covers everything you need for starter.
Learn about the application of nanomaterials in civil and environmental engineering.
This course covers lessons in internal energy enthalpy, crystal geometry and structure, non-crystalline solids, phase diagrams and transformation, plastic deformation, conductors, resistors, superconductors and semiconductors.
Explore optoelectronic materials and devices, from fundamental theories to advanced applications in semiconductors, optical properties, and organic electronics.
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