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Learn Code Quality, earn certificates with free online courses from MIT, University of Toronto, Peking University, Universidade de São Paulo and other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Discover good Java programming practices and learn pragmatic clean code rules from an experienced Software Engineer
Learn the basic concepts, technology, use cases, and benefits of implementing DevOps on AWS
Domina el desarrollo de aplicaciones Java en la nube de AWS: desde fundamentos técnicos hasta bases de datos NoSQL, APIs serverless y mejora de código con Amazon CodeGuru.
Learn defensive programming in R to make your code more robust.
Data scientists, analysts, and beginner devs: transition from "coder" to "software engineer" and learn to ship code
Learn best coding practice with .NET Core MVC / EF core and C# fundamentals with Practical .NET Interview Questions
Busy developer? Do you want to code clean and smart? Take this course and master Automapper tool!
Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a Must-Know Language in Web Development, with a Hands-on.
Enhance your coding efficiency with generative AI: Real-time code generation, error detection, and language conversion
Discover techniques to enhance code clarity, efficiency, and maintainability, elevating your programming skills beyond basic language proficiency.
Learn to automate software development processes using CI/CD. Set up pipelines, integrate with version control, and streamline building, testing, and deployment for efficient, high-quality code delivery.
The course you need to learn Best Practices in Software Development.
Learn how to use the JavaScript DOM to create dynamic web content and interactive web applications
Master the principles of writing robust unit tests with focus on loose coupling, maintainability, and test organization while applying DRY, SRP, and DAMP principles for improved code quality.
Master the art of keeping your code simple as you add new features and complexity to your code.
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