This course provides an introduction to:
1. Basic concepts of The Strategies and Skills Learning and Development System (SSLD), their relevance for every day relationships and provide advanced concepts for participants who work in fields of social work and health care .
2. Basic practice principles and methods of SSLD, illustrated by relationship management case studies.
3. The SSLD framework for relationship management assessment; N3C (needs, circumstances, characteristics, capacity) and problem translation.
4. Core competencies in the relationship management application of the SSLD system: Observation learning, simulation, real life implementation, review and monitoring.
The Arts and Science of Relationships: Understanding Human Needs
University of Toronto via Coursera
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- Module 1 - Relationships in Our Lives
- Introducing the course and the basic concepts of SSLD (Strategies & Skills Learning & Development).
- Module 2 - Getting Started
- SSLD conceptualization of relationship: Addressing participants’ needs as key condition of possibility. This module will discuss the social exchange theory, life-scripts, managing differences, and responsive assertiveness
- Module 3 - Communication
- This module covers topics on how to build and manage your relationships through effective communication skills such as listening, understanding, reception, and expression.
- Module 4 - Building Relationships that Work for You
- This module addresses relationship building based on communication, reception, and expression skills learned in Module 3. Additional topics on relationship problems will also be discussed.
- Module 5 - Challenges, Endings, and Transformation
- Introduction to the concept of Six Domains of Human Life and its application in different parts of a relationship. This module explores the transformation and termination of relationships and their challenges.
- Module 6 - Relationships & Self
- The final module covers various topics related to relationships, including love, sexuality, intimacy, and relationship problems.
Taught by
A. Ka Tat Tsang
4.4 rating, based on 5 Class Central reviews
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The key idea of scrutinising what we do in relationships and why we do it is certainly a positive one. However, the insistence on self-focused amorality as being the only sound basis for all human relationships is rather disturbing.
An interesting course to explore the dynamic of relationships. It familiarises you with the concept of being able to identify wants and needs, both of yourself and others, as well as to distinguish between them. It explains in-depth personal and env…
A brilliant course!Everybody should take this course if he/she wants to take the charge of his/her life successfully either he /she is in a relationship or tries to manage the transformation or termination of a relationship .
The course taught me so many aspects of relationship,sex and love.The course widened my knowledge on handling people's flaws and learning to deal with it. Also the essence of the course SSLD(skills, strategies and learning development) interpersonal skills,how to develop relationship and maintaining relationships with people
The course was really a nice which I got two much learning in this course. The course I nice it has a good skills to learn over in this platform