Millimeter Wave Technology
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and NPTEL via Swayam
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Future communication networks require significantly increased bandwidths in order to cope up with the ever increasing number of wireless devices and high data throughput. Today’s millimeter wave technology is mature enough to handle this requirement. Millimeter wave components are usually realized by frequency scaling the microwave components. However, an engineer has to deal with several design challenges in terms of higher loss, high signal-to-noise ratio, signal distortions etc. while implementing a millimeter wave system. Primary focus of this course is to discuss the design issues at millimeter wave frequencies.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Any interested learnersPREREQUISITES : Basic knowledge of Electromagnetic TheoryINDUSTRY SUPPORT : ISRO, DRDO.
Week 1: Introduction to Millimeter Wave TechnologyWeek 2: Guiding Structures at Millimeter Wave FrequenciesWeek 3: Guiding Structures at Millimeter Wave FrequenciesWeek 4: Millimeter Wave AntennasWeek 5: Millimeter Wave ComponentsWeek 6: Millimeter Wave DevicesWeek 7: Millimeter Wave PropagationWeek 8: Millimeter-wave systems