Join us as we explore India - the fastest growing economy in the world and one of the most diverse places on earth.
India is an important player in the human story and is making a rapid return to centre stage. Learning about India has never been more relevant to our lives and possibly our careers.
This course, developed through a grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Passport to India initiative, is designed to introduce people of all backgrounds and ages to India and its potential as a destination for study, research, work and entrepreneurship.
Whatever your interests, this course will help you develop a more informed perspective on the importance of India. The sheer diversity and scale of India are reasons enough for making India not just important but fascinating too.
Many agree that two of the rising trends of the coming decades are the re-emergence of Asia and technological change. India is at the heart of both trends and shares much in common with the United States.
At the current pace of change, we may see:
• Within 10 years, India is likely to overtake China and have the world’s largest population
• In 20 years, New Delhi overtaking Tokyo as the world’s largest city
• In 30 years, India could overtake China and the US as the world’s largest economy
By the time a current college student is the same age as their parents are today – the world will have changed dramatically. India’s importance is growing by the day and could very well have far-reaching implications for your life and career.
Each week of this interactive course explores one major theme related to India’s importance in an interdisciplinary way.
This course is brought to you by the U.S. Department of State’s Passport to India initiative and is developed through a partnership between The Ohio State University and IndoGenius.
NOTE: Enrollment for this course will close permanently on March 30, 2018. If you enroll prior to that date, you'll be able to access the course through September 2018.
India is an important player in the human story and is making a rapid return to centre stage. Learning about India has never been more relevant to our lives and possibly our careers.
This course, developed through a grant from the U.S. Department of State’s Passport to India initiative, is designed to introduce people of all backgrounds and ages to India and its potential as a destination for study, research, work and entrepreneurship.
Whatever your interests, this course will help you develop a more informed perspective on the importance of India. The sheer diversity and scale of India are reasons enough for making India not just important but fascinating too.
Many agree that two of the rising trends of the coming decades are the re-emergence of Asia and technological change. India is at the heart of both trends and shares much in common with the United States.
At the current pace of change, we may see:
• Within 10 years, India is likely to overtake China and have the world’s largest population
• In 20 years, New Delhi overtaking Tokyo as the world’s largest city
• In 30 years, India could overtake China and the US as the world’s largest economy
By the time a current college student is the same age as their parents are today – the world will have changed dramatically. India’s importance is growing by the day and could very well have far-reaching implications for your life and career.
Each week of this interactive course explores one major theme related to India’s importance in an interdisciplinary way.
This course is brought to you by the U.S. Department of State’s Passport to India initiative and is developed through a partnership between The Ohio State University and IndoGenius.
NOTE: Enrollment for this course will close permanently on March 30, 2018. If you enroll prior to that date, you'll be able to access the course through September 2018.