This course will take students through the process of writing from simple paragraphs to more complex writing structures and eventually research writing. Writing is often seen as something we do in order to remember grammatical forms and words to learn. However, I'd argue that we need grammar and words in order to write. Writing is becoming increasingly important as we communicate even more online. And increasingly we have to communicate with people from other countries. This means that we have to be able to express our ideas clearly and in a way that people can understand. If you want to get more information on writing, this is the course for you.
Writing is a process and simply taking this course will NOT make you a great writer over night. It's hard work and takes practice. What I hope for this course is that it will give you some easy tips to help move your writing in a positive direction. That said, you will still need help with your writing, so where possible, ask someone to help check and proof read your work.
Scribble: Writing for New Writers
via OpenLearning
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Taught by
Simon Williams
3.4 rating, based on 10 Class Central reviews
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The guy really wasn't kidding when he said the course was for beginner writers. If you are a more advanced writer I would recommend finding a harder course.
This course is really for people who use English as a second language because I think this is too easy for people who are used to communicating in the language already. Personally, I think this is very useful if yu want the basics and if you're only starting as a writer.
The navigation and layout for this course was outdated it was hard for me to move to the next subject or complete tasks. It says it's self paced but it looked like a lot of the active links are gone. :(