Credit for Prior Learning is earned through the assessment of learning acquired from life and work experiences. This is typically non-college or experienced based learning that has been attained outside of the sponsorship of accredited postsecondary education institutions and can include military and industry training and community and volunteer work, among other things. CPL is not awarded for EXPERIENCE but for college-level LEARNING after a significant assessment of the knowledge, skills and competencies students have obtained as result of their prior learning experience. This course will explore CPL theories, service delivery models, policy development steps, college and industry articulation development, portfolio development and assessment, and existing credit crosswalks and available assessment resources. A three track design, for College Faculty and Staff, Workforce Center and Community Based Organization Partners, and members of Industry will focus topics relevant to the work you are doing to help adults earn credits for what they have learned and to apply those credits to a degree or certificate that enhances their opportunities for college completion and gainful employment.
Prior Learning Assessment for Educators and Industry
Colorado Community College System via Canvas Network
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Taught by
Bitsy Cohn