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Learn to build and deploy a web app using Azure Speech-to-Text SDK, Streamlit, and Heroku. Transcribe audio files with ease and gain hands-on experience in cloud services and Python development.
Learn to create an e-commerce web UI wireframe using Pencil Project, including user flowcharts, reusable items, and exporting prototypes in various formats.
Aprende a crear campañas publicitarias efectivas en Facebook, Instagram y Messenger utilizando el Administrador de Anuncios de Facebook para alcanzar tu público objetivo y potenciar tu estrategia de marketing digital.
Learn to implement object localization using PyTorch, including dataset preparation, augmentation, and training a CNN to detect and locate objects in images.
Analyze sales data using SQL to determine employee bonuses. Learn to extract valuable insights from a business database to inform strategic decisions.
Use Tableau Web Authoring to create best practice dashboards and stories from data
Build an optimized product portfolio website using Next.js, focusing on performance and user experience. Learn to use Next.js components, apply styles, and leverage command-line tools for efficient development.
Learn to use Metasploit for ethical hacking, including network scanning with Nmap and exploiting vulnerabilities in controlled environments. Gain hands-on experience in penetration testing techniques.
Learn to use Plickers, a free tool for instant student assessment without devices. Create an account, design assessments, and analyze data to improve instruction.
Crea anuncios atractivos para redes sociales utilizando Canva. Aprende a incorporar la identidad de marca en diseños para Facebook e Instagram, mejorando tu estrategia de marketing digital.
Build a neural network to generate superhero names using TensorFlow. Learn character-level language modeling and text generation techniques with a dataset of 9000+ fictional character names.
Aprende a crear campañas de email marketing efectivas con Mailchimp: edita plantillas, agrega contenido personalizado y conecta con tu audiencia para impulsar tu estrategia de comunicación.
Build a logistic regression model to classify breast cancer using Scikit-learn and the Wisconsin Diagnostic Data Set. Learn data preparation, Google Colab setup, and cancer classification techniques.
Create stunning event materials using Canva's design tools. Learn to craft digital and print content for planning, organizing, and promoting events, perfect for beginners and small businesses.
Discover Creately's features to design personalized, professional infographics for your business. Learn to create engaging visuals quickly and easily for your brand.
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