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Master effective remote asset recovery strategies for hybrid workplaces, including automation tools, security protocols, and streamlined processes using CMDB, Slack, and FedEx API integration.
Découvrez les dernières innovations des systèmes Apple, de macOS à visionOS, et maîtrisez la mise à jour efficace de vos appareils en environnement professionnel.
Discover how Escrow Buddy simplifies FileVault recovery key management for Mac administrators, offering a secure, transparent solution for key generation and escrow during standard login processes.
Discover key insights and best practices from Sprinklr's successful implementation of Jamf Connect across 4,000 macOS devices, focusing on authentication streamlining and admin rights management.
Discover how to automate app deployment using low-code platforms and installers, featuring real-world implementation at MyFitnessPal with both low-code and Python-based approaches for efficient enterprise management.
Discover how Harvest automates macOS malware analysis through sandboxing and virtualization, enabling efficient threat detection, behavioral tracking, and automated reporting for enhanced security.
Discover how Jamf Class Assigner revolutionizes device deployment in schools, enabling teachers to efficiently manage iPad assignments while eliminating spreadsheet-based tracking and management.
Explore the enhanced S.U.P.E.R.M.A.N. open-source script for automating macOS updates, featuring new scheduling capabilities and improved workflow reliability for system administrators.
Master the complete macOS upgrade process, from strategic planning to fleet-wide deployment, using Smart Groups and Bash scripts for efficient 90-day rollouts across your organization.
Entdecke die neuesten Funktionen und Updates der Apple Betriebssysteme und lerne, wie du Unternehmensgeräte effizient aktualisierst und verwaltest.
Discover the latest Jamf Pro features for managing Apple devices, including Vision Pro support, enhanced security controls, and improved device compliance capabilities for enterprise environments.
Discover practical strategies for integrating Jamf and Microsoft identity management systems, featuring real-world implementation insights from San Diego State University's mixed-device ecosystem.
Discover comprehensive Apple device security solutions with Jamf Protect and Safe Internet, exploring deployment strategies and configuration options to enhance your organization's defense capabilities.
Master enterprise iPad security configurations using Shared iPad and Single App Mode, with practical deployment strategies for public-use devices and fleet management using Jamf Pro MDM.
Discover how to streamline K-12 device management with zero-touch deployment, enhanced security, and seamless system integration for student and teacher technology infrastructure.
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