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Explore deep learning's progress, challenges, and theoretical foundations. Gain insights into the geometric interpretation of deep networks and spline approximation, with a focus on Scattering Networks.
Explore the evolving landscape of computational analysis, signal processing, and machine learning. Gain insights on bridging the gap between mathematical and digital communities.
Explore multiscale basis dictionaries and scattering networks on simplicial complexes, focusing on HGLET and GHWT. Learn applications in coauthorship/citation complex and article classification.
Explore supervised learning algorithms' strengths and weaknesses, comparing k-nearest-neighbor, kernel methods, and neural networks for adaptivity and performance across various problems.
Explore methods for interpreting neural networks, including contextual decomposition and adaptive wavelet distillation, to enhance model trustworthiness and performance.
Explore image processing advancements using machine learning, focusing on implicit priors in neural networks for tasks like denoising, deblurring, and super-resolution.
Explore the profound impact of Stephane's intellectual contributions to auditory neuroscience, from cochlear encoding to cortical processing.
Découvrez les mathématiques avec Hugo Duminil-Copin, médaillé Fields 2022, lors d'une rencontre captivante avec des lycéens de l'Essonne.
Explore ultrarelativistic gravitational scattering, its developments in (super)gravity and string theory, and applications to gravitational binaries.
Explore resurgent properties of integrable field theories, focusing on UV-free theories with mass gaps and 1/N expansions. Analyze free energy with chemical potentials using Bethe ansatz and large N methods.
Explore the interplay between convexity notions in complex, symplectic, and contact geometries. Gain insights into pseudo-convexity, rational convexity, and their geometric counterparts.
Explore topological and symplectic aspects of Stein manifolds, including handlebody construction, Weinstein manifolds, and flexibility versus rigidity in complex variables theory.
Découvrez comment l'ADN mitochondrial révèle nos origines ancestrales, traçant la lignée maternelle jusqu'aux "Sept Filles d'Ève" et explorant la structure génétique mondiale.
Explore large particle systems with Coulomb repulsion, examining mean-field dynamics and statistical mechanics using modulated energy approaches and free energy expansions.
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