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Explore random matrices and optimization dynamics in high dimensions, focusing on effective dynamics, spectral transitions, and applications in machine learning algorithms.
Explorez les dynamiques d'optimisation en très haute dimension et leur application en apprentissage automatique, en mettant l'accent sur les matrices aléatoires et les statistiques résumées.
Explorez les algorithmes d'optimisation en haute dimension pour l'apprentissage automatique, en mettant l'accent sur la descente de gradient stochastique et les transitions spectrales des matrices aléatoires.
Explorez la vie fascinante de Blaise Pascal, génie polymathe du 17e siècle, et découvrez son impact durable sur les mathématiques, la philosophie et la technologie.
Explore the intersection of mathematics and biology, from molecular structures to ecological impact, in this thought-provoking lecture on life's fundamental nature.
Explore advanced concepts in non-linear PDE singularities, focusing on defocusing problems and their connection to fluid mechanics. Gain insights into key results, open problems, and proof techniques.
Explore self-similar solutions for compressible Euler equations and their role in singularity formation for non-linear PDEs, with connections to fluid mechanics.
Explore front singularities in non-linear PDEs, focusing on defocusing problems and their connection to fluid mechanics. Gain insights into key results, open problems, and proof techniques.
Explore energy super critical singularity formation in non-linear PDEs, focusing on recent discoveries in defocusing problems and their connection to fluid mechanics.
Explore the Zilber-Pink conjecture, its relation to classical conjectures, and point-counting strategies for proving cases, focusing on curves in modular curve powers.
Explore geometric Laplacians on self-conformal fractal curves, examining heat kernels, eigenvalue asymptotics, and their relation to fractal geometry. Delve into construction methods and applications in complex analysis.
Explore the growth patterns of random binary trees, focusing on leaf addition dynamics and fractal properties in tree structures.
Explore the connection between stochastic heat equation and KPZ equation, demonstrating fluctuation equivalence in weak disorder regime for 3+ dimensions.
Explorez les solutions globales des systèmes quadratiques de réaction-diffusion stochastique en dimension deux, avec un accent sur les perturbations à quatre espèces.
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